

I've always considered myself closer to the Sadist end of the Sadomasochism Spectrum, with Masochistic tendencies. A social Sadist, fiscal Masochist, if you will.
However, I think I may be a little more of a masochist than I care to admit.
This statement is entirely based upon the state of my hands right now.
If bloody, mangled fingernails are any indication of masochism, then the proof is in the pudding.

And by 'proof,' I mean, 'mutilated, disfigured, scabby fingers."
And by 'in the pudding," I mean, 'all wrapped up in Band-Aids.'


Pictures of your kids.

Blogs are strange, strange things.

I utilized the "Next Blog" button found in nearly all Blogger blogs, just skimming through the proffered, random selection. If I had to, I'd guess that two-thirds of the blogs I was taken to were in a foreign language. A quarter were about sports. A fifth were about businesses. And more than half were about people's kids.

I kind of scrolled down these blogs about babies, brothers, and bottles, less than half interested but more than slightly curious about other people's lives, and you know what?

I felt real creepy looking at them.

I shouldn't feel creepy.

I'm not the one who posted pictures of my kid on the internet, where just about anyone can access them.


So, why do I feel creepy?