
It Seems Like

the second the sun goes down, I start making bad decisions.

And I don't stop making them until the sun comes up.


Aa said...

Oh. Um. Wow... I mean, this is like...um. Jesus. I don't know what's happening. Just, wow.

mapofmt said...

i agree with the above sentiment.

amanda m.f. blabac said...

where'd you get a deerhead?

fuck that. you must explain more!

withmymonosynth said...

thats totally br00tal

Dallas said...

Amanda: I found a dead deer. Then I cut its head off with an axe and skinned it (the head.) Now, it's out back in a bucket of manure (the bugs in horse poop are supposed to help the decomposition of the flesh still attached to the bone).

When the fleshy bits are gone, I'm going to soak it in a peroxide mixture to sanitize and bleach the skull. Then I'm going to put it on my bedside table next to a bunch of (abandoned) hornet's nests I've got on display in a bell jar and molds of my sister's teeth.

Dallas said...

Everyone else: Yeah. I agree.

mapofmt said...

you should make it into a lamp

Dallas said...

No I shouldn't.

I am going to gold leaf a couple of its teeth though, it that makes you feel any better.

O-Face said...

So you just FOUND a dead deer, and just TOOK it and then just SKINNED it because you thought, "This would look good on my bedside table."

Martha Stewart eat your heart out.

mapofmt said...

it does, but not nearly as much as a dear skull lamp would make me feel.

amanda m.f. blabac said...

one time my dad and i were driving up the ravine to our house and saw this amazing beehive that was intact hanging right above the road. being packrats as we were, and it being fall, we figured all the bees were gone and hey, it was just gonna fall down and be crushed so we should take it and hang it from the beams in the living room. well we did, and a few weeks later i was sitting around and could not shake the smell of death from my noozel. so i was sniffing around, expecting to find a decomposing mouse the cats left as a present, until i realized that the stench was coming from the beehive: all the dead bees inside were decomposing. it was reeevolting. we had to chuck it. that's my story.
you like dead things.