I did, in fact, take more photographs today. I prolly took two or three times as many photos as I did yesterday, but yielded fewer photos I'm actually happy with. Also, it was overcast again today. Sad face.
Half of these were taken with the Casio, half with a Canon EOS 20D. The Canon is a $1,200 camera, all professional like, but truth be told, I prefer the Casio for close-range photos.

And now, three things I like:
1. This tree:
This tree was struck by lightening a few years (or five) back. It's solitary, gloomy, and domineering. Also, there's a cool cave sort of space in the trunk wherein one can hide and think.
2. This cat:

Amanda (or 'Andabear') has figured out that the sounds coming from the glowing white box I'm always on suddenly stop when she pushes the long button... And that they start back up if she pushes it again. This is infinitely amusing to watch, and I will try and get a video of it the next time it happens. Also, she's totally fine sleeping on my feet, which keeps me nice and cozy.
3. My brother:

Very few people will humor me when I, camera in hand, ask them to "stare meaningfully into the distance, please."
Other than that, not much else is new. Still job searching. Still trying to write the great American novel. Still missing a toenail...
That's about it.
If you asked me to stare meaningfully into the distance I'd probably just punch you in the face. But I'd do it lovingly.
Ha. Exactly my point.
Wait. Is your novel to be called 'Still Missing a Toenail'? I hope so.
Oh, and I really like your use of color. And because I have a Canon Rebel XTi and am an obvious amateur - which Casio?
I like it, but it sounds more like a short story/novella... We'll see.
Also: hey, thanks. I'm using a Casio Exilim. Not the big, fancy one either- the EX-Z100. It's a nice little digicam, and not a pain in the arse to haul around.
I found the review here
But I don't think it still sells for $400.
Also also: I have no idea how either of these compare to the XTi, but if it's anything like the previous generation of Rebels, stick with it. I was using a Rebel a couple of years ago, and it took the best photos. Ever. I would trade for that Rebel any day.
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